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How to regain motivation at work
The problem of disengagement

There often comes a time in one's career when motivation fades. Repetitive tasks become boring, and new projects seem burdensome. This phenomenon, first described in the 1990s by William Kahn, is widespread today. According to a Gallup poll, only 23 percent of people are truly engaged at work, while 59 percent are minimally engaged and 18 percent are highly disengaged. Another survey found that many workers feel exhausted, unmotivated and irritable.

What to do if you are demotivated?

Here's a four-step process, called DEAR (Detach, Empathize, Take Action, Reframe), to help you regain motivation.

Detachment1. Take a break: Take a step back to analyze your situation without stress. Reflecting at the end of the day on what went well can improve your mood.2. Meditate: devote 10-20 minutes to meditation to relax and reduce stress.3. Move your body: exercise helps improve mood and cognitive function.4. Think in the third person: referring to yourself in the third person can help you manage stress better.


1. Self-care: start your day with rituals you enjoy, such as a good cup of coffee.2. Positive interactions: improve your relationships with colleagues and clients with simple acts of courtesy.3. Ask and listen: show curiosity about others to build relationships and discover new perspectives.4. Making friends: having good friends at work increases engagement and satisfaction.5. Helping others: offering to help colleagues can provide a sense of responsibility and gratification.


1.Tackling small tasks: completing minor tasks can improve mood and productivity.2. Outside activities: hobbies and volunteering can provide gratification that reflects positively on work.3. Job Crafting: tailor your work to your strengths and passions.4. Gamifying: turn tasks into games to make them more motivating.5. Dressing well: clothing can positively influence your performance and the perception of others.


1. Reconsider your identity: Reflect on the informal roles you play at work and the ones you enjoy most.2. Look at the big picture: Focus on why you do your job, not just how and what.3. Think about the benefits to others: Remember how your work helps others to find deeper meaning.

Through the DEAR process, you can break the cycle of demotivation and restore your ability to take action and face challenges at work effectively.
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