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How to disconnect from work during the vacations

Tips for disconnecting from work during the vacations.

The vacations should theoretically be a valuable time to recharge your energy, relax and focus on other things. However, in an always-connected world, truly disconnecting from work can be a challenge, especially for those used to working in agile mode. Here are some practical tips to prepare (well) for the vacations and (utopianly) return to work rejuvenated.

  1. Plan ahead
    Organize your work before you leave, making sure to complete urgent tasks and inform colleagues about what will need to be handled in your absence. Setting up an auto-reply for emails is recommended not only to avoid hassle, but also to inform contacts of your vacation and indicate who they can contact during your absence. Establishing clear boundaries will help you enjoy your time off without unwanted interruptions.

  2. Digital disconnection.
    Limit phone use, turn off notifications and, if possible, avoid taking your work computer with you. Establish specific times to check email so that you do so only at specific times and avoid being constantly connected.

  3. Reclaim your time
    Some people practice mindfulness, with deep breathing, meditation or yoga, which are great tools for relaxing and clearing the mind of stress. Alternatively, you can devote time to activities that we are passionate about: reading, walking or relaxing in the sun. In addition, spending time with friends and family is essential for emotional well-being.

  4. Getting enough sleep
    Finally, sleep. It is beneficial for the heart and brain and is essential for regaining energy. Taking advantage of the vacations to catch up on sleep is necessary. It is best to avoid bringing your smartphone into the bedroom: not using it as the last activity of the evening and before the morning helps avoid stimuli that put the brain in a state of reactivity instead of proactivity.

Disconnecting from work during the vacation season is critical for our mental and physical health. Therefore, it is important to prepare to face August in the right spirit. Happy vacations!

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