Here is the ultimate manual for mastering your time and turning yourself into a work machine (without going crazy) in 7 steps.
1. Track time
Spy on yourself and find out where your time disappears. One week of investigation and you'll be ready to plan like a pro.
2. Distractions: the public enemy.
Ringtones, notifications, miscellaneous music? Ban them. Focus like a Jedi on the task and you'll see that you won't have to do it all over again.
3. Set priorities
In the morning, tackle the biggest dragons (the urgencies). After lunch, when you are a bit in zombie mode, move on to the less urgent tasks. That way you avoid running around in circles.
4. Organize your space
A tidy desk is your perfect battleground. Keep only the essentials on hand and file everything else away. A zen environment for a zen mind.
5. Use technology.
Let apps do the dirty work for you. Trello for projects, Todoist for checklists, and a timer to remind you when to take a break. Say goodbye to flying post-it notes.
6. Don't overload yourself
Already have a Greek hero workload? Learn to say no or delegate. Simplify so you don't drown in chaos.
7. Check your activities
Every night, take stock. That way you'll know if you've really been working or just pretending. The final check saves you from burnout and makes the next day less fearsome.
In short, get a little organized and you'll see that work becomes (almost) a breeze. A happy worker is the hidden treasure of every company!